We ended up switching out of Ville Emma (a hotel that our company put us up in) for a cheaper hostel that was close. The hostel O sorroso was great! Wellington owned it, he was this big black dude who was way too friendly. One night we got pizza to share and cook, but the oven didn~t work, so he let us into our house to use his! Then Mariannik droped the pizza on the floor, lol, but only half, so we ate the other! Oh, and when we had to go to the police station to get our country cards, and visa extentions, Wellington drove us, waited for us, and when we didn~t have enough money, he lent us money! How nice eh??

Oh... so anyhow, we took the bus from Belo to Sao Paulo, and from Sao Paulo we took another bus to Gauruja (the beach city we are living in now) It was a long trip, and we were really tired when we got here. Cessoro is our Boss. He picked us up from the bus station, and I didn~t even realise it was him, because he was wearing very ordanary clothes. Its funny here, this is the only country where everyone wants to look poor, because then they won~t get robbed. If you wear jewerly, then theres more of a chance.

Heres a picture of me and a student. Shes not my student, but shes very sweet and tries hard. Oh, and thats Mariannik, shes adorable, isn't she?
My time is almost up on my computer, so I should get going. We are living in a hotel right now, and will be going to live in Cessoro's apartment tomorrow morning. I will tell you guys more about it once we get more settled.
Love and miss you all!
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